The workout is designed to work your whole body. Depending on your own personal fitness level and the other fitness activities you participate in. We believe that doing Pilates 3-4 times a week (every other day) is ideal. Some students come 5 times a week. You will see and feel results in as little as 1 time per week it will take longer to see the results. The key is to listen to your body and find a routine that works for you.


Overall, the biggest difference between Pilates and yoga is the ultimate goal. Yoga provides a meditative environment for you to improve your overall quality of life. It focuses on stress relief while improving your body.

Pilates works from the center of your body outward. It forces you to increases your body awareness and work from your core, resulting in a stronger body. Yoga and Pilates each have their merits. The best part is that you really don’t have to choose. Combine Pilates with yoga for an amazing way to transform your daily routine.
